Let me tell you what I can do for you! Below you’ll find a list of all of the services I provide.

Not sure which package you fall into or wanting something customised? Get in touch and I’ll provide you with a quote.


This is my standard wedding offering with all the bells and whistles.

For this price point, we will work together to make your wildest ceremony dreams come true.


Right this way if you’re looking for a Commitment Ceremony (not a legal marriage) or a Shared Ceremony, where the duties are shared between me and one of your loved ones.


Let’s cut to the chase!

If you’re just looking for the legals only ceremony that will get you from not married to married, this is it.

$150 p/h*

Want me to MC your wedding?

Pretend marry you? Name your bebeh? Renew your vows? Find out about all that stuff here.

*Prices vary across services